Follow the steps to manage Subscriptions from DepositFix form:

First, you need to create a subscription plan in Stripe. You can do that by navigating to Subscriptions -> Plans -> New.

Then, copy Plan Id and paste it to the DepositFix Form snippet as follows:

subscriptionPlan: 'STRIPE_PLAN_ID' 

An example of how the form settings will look like:

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" id="df-script">
        hubSpotFormId: 'dade7503-388d-41b4-8d54-d6d243db6903',
        userId: '0dfc0ffe-6d90-4915-a32d-5d9a6313638d',
        amount: '50',
        productName: 'Marketing Support, monthly subscription',
        subscriptionPlan: 'support_50'

Please note, you still have to specify amount and productName.